Interview with Stenetta Anthony

Author of A Home for Sally

A Home for Sally


Where are you from originally and where do you reside now?

I am a native Chicagoan.

If you currently reside somewhere besides where you were born, what’s the story that lead from there to here?

I still a resident of Chicago.

What made you decide to write and publish your first book?

The story behind my first book is quite interesting. I never intended to write my first book, but after being asked to create a curriculum for a classroom. A book came from this curriculum, which launched me into the world of being an author.

How would you describe your books to first time readers?

Books I write could be broken down into four phrases: entertaining, exhilarating, educational and engaging.

Who do you feel is most likely to connect with the topics you write about?

Readers would connect with the children’s stories written that are relevant to humans and animals. Therefore, causing the reader to comprehend the message within the story and bringing them to the point of action.

What unexpected or surprising thing did you learn during the process of writing and publishing?

Being in the education community for more than 20 years, I was unfamiliar with the marketing process of book writing. This was one of the eye-opening experiences I’ve ever had. Learning personally that writing was a simple process but found it more difficult to publish and market my books.

If you could, what advice would you give to your past self before embarking on this journey?

Speaking to my former self, I would tell her to engross you in the author’s community. Learn more about the importance of not just writing but what it really takes to publish and promote your writings. As well as speaking with successful authors about their successes and failures.

How many people would you ideally like to reach with your books?

I would love to reach millions of readers with my books. Promoting the message of pet adoption, special needs and changing your world.

What has been the biggest challenge and frustration during the process to date?

The most frustrating process to date has been time.

What’s your biggest strengths when it comes to book a) writing, b) publishing and c) marketing?

1. My strength when it comes to writing is when I am totally focused I can complete a
book in one day.
2. I enjoy research, so when I discover the right publisher and format for my book it
is something I stick with until my writing is completed.
3. Marketing has brought me to a place of learning. I have become more educated on
how to market and learning how to press forward even when I’ve gotten a no.

What’s your biggest weakness when it comes to book a) writing, b) publishing and c) marketing?

1. One of my biggest weaknesses in writing is distractions. Allowing people, place
and things to interfere with the schedule I’ve set aside for writing.
2. The weakness of publishing has not been evaluating the appropriate format to
submit to a publisher.
3. Not staying focus on a specific marketing project has been one of my greatest

When do you think you will write your next book?

I am currently in the process of writing my next children’s book.

Are you self published or did you use a hybrid publisher, or a traditional publisher?

I used a hybrid publisher


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