Interview with Ruth Anne Rhine

Author of A Pocket Guide for Lightworkers from Archangel Metatron

A Pocket Guide for Lightworkers from Archangel meet future planetary chaos and confusion within a peaceful and harmonious perspective...


Where are you from originally and where do you reside now?

I was born in a small town in Missouri and now live in Ashland, Oregon.

If you currently reside somewhere besides where you were born, what’s the story that lead from there to here?

After college I moved to the San Francisco Bay area to study innovative dance techniques and movement therapy. From there I traveled to Kauai to teach dance and enjoy the tropical climate. After a time I met my husband, and we moved to Santa Cruz, California, to start a family; while there I returned to school at UCSC to pursue studies in the visual arts. Then our next move was to Manhattan Beach, California, to start a digital imaging and printmaking business. Finally we arrived in Ashland, Oregon, where I studied and practiced healing modalities and channeling for over a decade, and eventually developed my own healing modality: ‘Restructing Realities.’

What made you decide to write and publish your first book?

The healing modality ‘Restructing Realities’ was channeled to me from Archangel Metatron. I spent much time working with him endeavoring to heal those who asked for his healing sessions. One morning when channeling, Archangel Metatron said to me, “Let’s write a book.” Although I knew nothing about writing, publishing, or marketing a book, I said all right, as I was willing to trust his guidance. So every other day for six months I wrote down his words of wisdom in a series of discourses totaling eighty in all, and so it’s not formatted in the form of a chapter book. As I recorded his words I began to realize what the book was about.

How would you describe your books to first time readers?

From this book, the reader may draw the necessary knowledge, not to only survive, but also thrive, amid the existing global chaos. He explains how we may live within a peaceful and harmonious perspective, while at the same time extend caring assistance to those who suffer the pain of conflictual existence. Archangel Metatron assures us we have the help and support of the Angelic Kingdom, if only we ask through our free will choice. He tells us that what we see in the external world is the karmic resolution due to eons of time spent in sorrow and violence upon the Earth. And that we may help tremendously through our heartfelt intentions or prayers to send healing to areas of turmoil by asking for Divine assistance. This book is for those who wish to live in joy and live without the fear and sadness experienced by so many around the world. He gives us the peace of mind to know that All Is Well. And what he means by this is revealed in his book.

Who do you feel is most likely to connect with the topics you write about?

This book is intended for those who are concerned about the current state of the world and wish to help in a meaningful way through compassionate action, without suffering the suffering of others. All heart-centered people who read this book shall find the wisdom and guidance to assist them in living a more joyous and peaceful existence, so they may reside in loving relation to the world, and feel confident they have the power to send light to heal the hearts and minds of those in need. Thus, everyone of great heart may be termed ‘Lightworkers.’

What unexpected or surprising thing did you learn during the process of writing and publishing?

Never having written a book and having no previous knowledge of the publishing world, every next step was new and interesting. I learned as I moved through the process. I felt an urgency to get the book out into the public domain as soon as possible, as this information is much needed at this time and also in the probable future. And so I did not take time for preparation or research. I simply followed the guidance of Archangel Metatron along with the guidance of my publisher.

If you could, what advice would you give to past self yourself before embarking on this journey?

Having now published a book with the knowledge of everything that is involved, I would know to prearrange book events, and to better market my book through social media. It is a tremendous amount of work, and a project such as this calls for drawing on the expertise of those who are accomplished in this arena.

How many people would you ideally like to reach with your books?

Ideally, everyone, as everyone could benefit from this book. However, those who are searching for answers as to why the world is in such a troubled state will most likely be the ones who will resonate with its message and gravitate to it. To realize we can live lives within a happy and secure circumstance gives us the confidence to bring a new paradigm into existence, so that one day All may reside in peace and prosperity. This book does not promise a particular timeline for events to unfold, for we here on Earth have the free will choice to make a difference in our future. This book does emphasize, however, the role we play in bringing the healing needed to realize this vision.

What has been the biggest challenge and frustration during the process to date?

Marketing was the biggest challenge, as my funds were limited in financing the exposure of this book. I took on much work in reaching out personally to bring it to the attention of various major, and also spiritual bookstores. Because there is the image of an Archangel on the cover, some people assume it is a ‘religious book,’ and that it is not. Indeed this book is intended to share the truth with everyone, regardless of their individual stance on religion. Archangel Metatron wishes to alleviate stress and fear in the hearts of all kindhearted people through his wisdom and guidance, for everyone is embraced in the love of Creator’s presence.

What’s your biggest strengths when it comes to book a) writing, b) publishing and c) marketing?

My greatest strength in the writing of this book is having the ability to channel, which I have naturally experienced since childhood. And now, after years of study and practice, I have refined my attunement to Divine communication with clarity and connection. Writing the book was easy, as I simply wrote down the words Archangel Metatron spoke directly to me. I also was able to utilize my skills as a visual artist in designing the book’s cover and other aspects of the book. For instance, he wanted the size of the book to be small enough to fit into a pocket for easy reference on the go. Publishing and marketing brought new challenges which I explored and navigated to best of my ability.

What’s your biggest weakness when it comes to book a) writing, b) publishing and c) marketing?

Although the writing came easily for me, transferring the text into the correct format for publishing was difficult since I lacked the technical program needed. My sister, an English teacher, was a wonderful help in checking punctuation, spelling…etc. I was not prepared for how quickly the book became available online after the final manuscript approval. I had assumed it would take months, which would allow me time needed to build the website for the address I had printed on the back cover. The purpose of sharing the site address was to extend the reach of my healing work with Archangel Metatron. So, instead of focusing solely on marketing at that point, I immediately went to work on the site. I realize now many things needed to be in place prior to launching the book.

When do you think you will you write your next book?

I may or may not write another book, depending on my guidance from Archangel Metatron. Should there be a need to channel one in the future, I am open to going through this process again as I am devoted to serving others in this way. As for writing a book of my own making, I have no plans at this time.

Are you self published or did you use a hybrid publisher, or a traditional publisher?

I self-published through Balboa Press.


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