Interview with Jayna Newbold

Author of The Big Smile

The Big Smile


Where are you from originally and where do you reside now?

The Midwest / USA

If you currently reside somewhere besides where you were born, what’s the story that lead from there to here?

West Coast / USA

My late husband and I lived on the west coast when during his time in the military. Although we enjoyed living near family in the midwest afterward, we always wanted to move back to the coast and did so approximately seventeen years later.

What made you decide to write and publish your first book?

The story which began to bubble up in my mind would not leave. I lived in the imaginary world that took place in my imagination. It simply grew, taking on a life of its own – until one day, I was compelled to write it down. I decided that since I had such a grand time writing it, perhaps others would enjoy reading the tale. I was correct!

How would you describe your books to first time readers?

Highly imaginary yet believable adventures!

Who do you feel is most likely to connect with the topics you write about?

Anyone who enjoys a tale of discovery, wit, fun, a bit of humor mixed with philosophy, and relationships. Men and women alike have enjoyed my novels.

What unexpected or surprising thing did you learn during the process of writing and publishing?

I studied physics for two years before writing my second novel, “The Big Collide”. Actually, I overdid it as I wound up using perhaps one fifth of all that I learned and researched. Also, I found that I should have specifically studied astrophysics instead.

If you could, what advice would you give to past self yourself before embarking on this journey?

Pace yourself. Don’t become too ambitious toward a deadline, yet keep a steady work rhythm so you don’t lose momentum.

How many people would you ideally like to reach with your books?


What has been the biggest challenge and frustration during the process to date?

Balancing daily life and responsibilities with writing time. Life tends to get in the way of the creative process. Even “sacred time” I’ve set aside is encroached upon by adult responsibilities.

What’s your biggest strengths when it comes to book a) writing, b) publishing and c) marketing?

Discipline. What I lack in intelligence or talent, is made up by my ability to sit myself down and do it. I set a fairly consistent editorial calendar and I stick to it.

What’s your biggest weakness when it comes to book a) writing, b) publishing and c) marketing?

a)I can become too ambitious with deadlines. Being in a hurry can thwart the creative process.
b) I am technologically challenged when it comes to making a cover work on Amazon. I always need help and I don’t like taking the time to find someone to do it.
c) Same as above (b). Marketing is time consuming and takes me away from writing. Although I have strong marketing background, it utilizes another part of the brain – again, encroaching on the creative process of writing.

When do you think you will you write your next book?

I am writing my fourth novel now. It will be ready by the latter part of 2020.

Are you self published or did you use a hybrid publisher, or a traditional publisher?

A hybrid for the first novel. Although the experience was pleasant enough, I prefer self-publishing.


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