Interview with Jerry Snodgrass




Where are you from originally and where do you reside now?

I was born in Butler, Missouri, and raised in Indianola, Iowa. I live in Austin, Texas with my wife Rosemary, and our little Yorkie, Stormy.

If you currently reside somewhere besides where you were born, what’s the story that lead from there to here?

The military brought me to Texas. I have been a resident of Texas since 1968, with the military and my civilian employment with the Federal Government led me to working and living in Europe for seventeen years.

What made you decide to write and publish your first book?

My love for the old west and the Texas Rangers. My first two books were westerns. In 2007 I returned from my last job in the Middle East and knew it was time to settle down and stop working and enjoy life. I am gifted with a good memory and imagination. I have a lot to tell so I put it in writing.

How would you describe your books to first time readers?

I write in the third person and use everyday dialog just as I am writing now. I research what I write and take pride in getting the facts right as I write a story. My chapters are not real long and I do not use extremely bad words, and I leave any sex scenes up to the reader’s viewpoint.

Who do you feel is most likely to connect with the topics you write about?

Adults, and young adults. I respect women and never disgrace them. Men and women both like my stories. Military and ex-military are many of my loyal readers.

What unexpected or surprising thing did you learn during the process of writing and publishing?

Many people can write a book! But, it takes time, effort, and patience to put 50,000 words in to a story that is interesting to readers. You can fool readers so I never try. Your cover must be appealing and you must hook your reader with the opening. It is not easy to sell books to people who do not know you. Word of mouth and sites likes this one.

If you could, what advice would you give to past self yourself before embarking on this journey?

Be prepared! Have a good computer, use writing programs for assisting with grammar and spelling. It takes money to publish a good book. There are millions of authors out there trying to get a book published. Start with the smaller self-published publishers and work your way up getting better with each book. Market your book and yourself. Always carry a business card with your email and website address. EDIT EDIT EDIT!!!

How many people would you ideally like to reach with your books?

My latest book, SHADOWS ON DIABLO RIDGE reached over 6,000 likes with Facebook. My new publisher who took a chance on me; Austin Macauley Publishers have done great for me as my book has only been out since July 31st. I have readers around the world. Of course I would like millions to look at my books.

What has been the biggest challenge and frustration during the process to date?

The biggest challenge any author can face is choosing an idea and putting the idea’s into a full enjoyable story. I do not get frustrated as I my writing is not my livelihood.

What’s your biggest strengths when it comes to book a) writing, b) publishing and c) marketing?

I chose subject that I think people like to read about. I do my own marketing and have arranged and held successful Book Signings. You can set back and wait for someone to read your books. I make myself known where ever I go. Grocery store, restaurants, airports, on the airplane which I have sold many books by speaking with people and leaving them with my business card. I am an author – And I act like an author!

What’s your biggest weakness when it comes to book a) writing, b) publishing and c) marketing?

Not to brag, but I don’t see a big weakness as I am not a big-time author. Finding a subject to write about and then putting your story into words people like to hear about.

When do you think you will you write your next book?

I have two Draft Manuscripts complete and I am working on four more. I work on different stories that way I don’t get – WRITER’S BLOCK. I will see how my current book sells and cross my fingers that my publisher will ask to look at my new story.

Are you self published or did you use a hybrid publisher, or a traditional publisher?

My first twelve (12) books are self-published. My latest book was published by a traditional publisher.


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